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10,000 Sparkles.


So amazing. When I started I never thought it would reach as many people as it has! With a little over a year of posting inspiration and trying to add sparkle in others lives, today, the site has reached over 10,000 views worldwide!!!!!! CRAZY!!!!!

My dream of this site was to inspire others to look inward as well as to spread positivity and to pay kind acts forward… And we’re doing it!!!
Every week I’m receiving messages about how some of my posts have inspired individuals, helped them make a change or feel connected when they needed it most. This is the exact idea of what I wanted from the site, and I couldn’t be any happier to see the outcome!

To celebrate 10,000 I’ve committed
to completing the #100HappyDays Challenge! This world wide project challenges individuals to recognize 100 consecutive things that make them happy! We all have something that makes us feel good everyday, why not take a second to identify and appreciate it!? Sign up and get more info in my last post! You won’t regret it! I’ve begun the challenge 5 days ago and already have been feeling even happier than before!

It amazing what happiness you find in your life when you’re actually identifying it!

While I have no end result or goal with this site, I can tell you that it will continue to build, grow and change as it needs to over time. Please continue to check back and share the site with anyone you think could use a burst of positivity!

THANK YOU for the incredible support! I look forward to the next 10,000 views and hope to continue delivering a positive experience each time you’re here!

✨ Aurora Beani

Community Giving · Friendship · Goals · Motivation · Paying It Forward · Self Realization · Uncategorized

100 Happy Days Challenge


This is it! The Weekly Sparkle has been active for the better part of a year now, and our 10,000th view is upon us! With this big milestone right around the corner, we wanted to think of the best way to celebrate and help our viewers continue to become their Best Self!

One of my amazing friends shared this incredible movement with me and I knew this was the best way to continue to motivate and inspire our viewers to STAY POSITIVE! It’s the #100HappyDays challenge and I’m adding a #DailySparkle twist to it!


I want you to think about the last time you were truly appreciative. What did that look like? How did it feel? Remember how happy you were in that moment? I bet you can picture it in your mind right now, and it’s even making you happy in this moment.

THESE are the moments I challenge you to acknowledge every day.

I’m sure now you’re wondering WHY you should do this?


Most importantly, you’re recognizing the amazing life you’ve been given, and while at times it can be hard, it’s your only guaranteed time here and you might as well make it worthwhile.

What you do!:: Take 1 picture a day of a moment in which you’re happy. Give it the hashtag #100HappyDays {and/or #DailySparkle} and upload it to a social network of your choice! What I’m going to do, is upload these to my Instagram page, as well as create a Facebook album {on The Weekly Sparkle} dedicated to my #100HappyDays showing my #DailySparkle and what inspired me to smile that day! At the end I will print the pictures and have a memory of 100 amazing, happy moments. Will you join me?

Day 1 begins today, April 3rd, 2014. Start any day you’d like, but why wait?

Thank you for 10,000 reasons to be happy. You guys are the best!

✨💖 -Aurora Beani

P.S. You can officially register here.