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2015 Manifesto ✨

WELCOME to 2015!!! ✨✨✨

My 2015 Manifesto!!!:::

1. Guard your time. (it’s YOURS!)
2. Let kindness rule.
3. Create good habits. (Break the bad!)
4. Choose to focus on the good.
5. Start each day with goals. (3 before you leave the house!)
6. Find the best in others. (You can!)
7. Be the best version of you. (#1)
8. BELIEVE anything is possible.







Happy New Year everyone! How are you going to spend it? What changes are you going to make? I’m taking inspiration from each one of these quotes and applying it to my resolutions! Positive thinking, effective planning and a great attitude will you help you reach your goals this year!

To a sparkling 2015… ☆ ✰ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✩ ☆

-Aurora Beani