
Do The Influencers Miss Me, Too?

It’s been almost 4 weeks since I gave up social media for Lent & I have to admit, I love it.

If you told me 4 weeks ago that I would be able to have gone this long without checking in on my social media apps, I would have thought you were crazy!! I went from Instagram, to Facebook, to Instagram and back to Facebook again day in and day out, just like so many of us. While I love really going for it for Lent, I thought for sure I would bite the dust on this one. It was going to be too hard.

As for right now… If I’m being even more honest, I’m sad to even think this time will be over in a little more than 2 weeks! I’ve told several friends that have checked in, that I feel like I’m getting away with something having all of this free time and not feeling the “pull” to be in the loop and knowing every single thing going on. My favorite part of these last few weeks though, has been that I haven’t really felt out of any loop. I’ve gotten more reach outs from friends sharing good news, life updates, pop culture shocks, then ever! The FOMO I thought I’d have disappeared in a snap when I realized I still felt connected to so many people, even without watching their day to day activities online.

So at this time, I 100% recommend doing a social media break. I’ve had more time to be present, less time going down the rabbit holes on TikTok or IG stories. I think I’ll be back after Lent to give a bigger break down {and to prove I survived lol}, so be sure to check back!

But in the meantime, if you’re contemplating a break- take it.

Xo Aurora

PS- I still really do miss my influencers on IG 🙃😄 I wondering if they miss me, too? 😝 Sparkle on Fam ✨✨✨✨✨

Appreciation · Blogging · Faith · Living with Intention · Self Realization · Uncategorized

Holy Lent… I gave up Social Media 🙈

Happy Lent everyone!!!!…..

Or is it?! 🥴😩🫣

You read the title correctly y’all, I gave up social media for Lent. I know I know, what on earth was I thinking? If I’m being honest… I was thinking A LOT about this decision. Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

As your average 30 something, I’m on social media a lot. My two guilty pleasures are Instagram and Facebook, with the occasional TikTok, Twitter, Snap Chat use. Before Lent began 1 week ago today (not that I’m counting the minutes or anything), I was probably on Instagram for multiple hoursssss a day. It was the first thing I put on when I woke up and the last thing I watched before bed. I had influencers I looked forward to watching GRWM (IYKYK) and knew what was going on with friends around the globe, even if I haven’t spoken to them in-person, or by phone and text, in years.

So why did I decide to give up social media for Lent? Growing up Catholic, each year you’d give up something you really like for 40 days in preparation of Easter. So through the years, like many Catholics, I’d give up thinks like chocolate, coffee, sweets, cursing, one year in my 20’s I gave up beer, (haha) you get the idea. And as I got older I really tried to pick a thing or two to go without to really embrace the Lenten season, and even at some point began adding things to better myself- morning walks, reading books, focusing on no gossip, praying more, uplifting others more intentionally, etc.

I won’t spend this moment sharing the depths of Lent, other than that it’s meant to commemorate the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert for 40 days- and if he can do that, I can spare the world some IG stories and a few tweets, right?

If I’m being honest, I needed a break for a long time from social media. I think I’ll talk about this more next week, but it has been on my mind for awhile, and as we approached Lent, I thought, here’s my chance to try something really challenging, and I’m more likely to succeed because I’m doing it for my boo, Jesus.

I definitely just said my boo, Jesus 😄

Anyways, I’m alive. If you have ever wondered if you could survive some time off social media, I’m here to share that survival at the week mark, is possible 🙌 As of now, I am l o v i n g it! Like, loving loving it. I have time to actually do things that make me happy (more on this later), and am getting better sleep and feel less anxious throughout the day! All of the stimulation social media gives us isn’t what our bodies were made for, and as of this week, that has never been more clear.

And look at me writing here, spending time with all of you during this social media hiatus. Writing on my blog has been one of the brightest spots for me the last 10 years, and taking a pause in giving my attention elsewhere has allowed me to do this. Just a small example of what taking a break has provided!

If you’ve ever considered taking a social media pause, come by next week and see if I’m still as optimistic, and in the meantime, pray for me, will ya?

Happy Lent! Xo Aurora