Friendship · Living with Intention · Motivation · Relationships

Let Go of Those Who Are Already Gone

10 years ago I posted this, and felt inspired to share it now since it popped up recently.

Positivity can come in all forms, even if it’s masked at first as feeling a bit yucky.

I think it’s really cool to know that some of the most incredible relationships you’ll ever have may not have even started yet… and that others you treasured most maybe weren’t meant to last forever. The journey of life is really amazing, because it all unfolds as it should 🤎

This is posted on my Facebook page that is solely meant for inspiring, connecting, making those who follow think a little deeper, and maybe even laugh. It’s been 8 years of inspo, and I’d love to have you join 🙂 You Can Join It Here

To the adventure 💕 Cheers



Your Journey is Yours, Darling

Woooosh… that’s how I feel reading this. Like my hair has been blown back with words the universe needed me to hear.

You’re on No One’s Journey but Your Own 💡

Talk about the reminder you didn’t know you needed.

I’ve read many times the saying: “Comparison is the thief of Joy,” and heck, I may have even written about it here before, but let me tell you how much lately I’ve been in my head and in comparison mode. And I’d say, comparison isn’t only the thief of joy, it’s also a thief of time, motivation, self appreciation, inspiration and self LOVE.

What if we took the energy we’re spending looking at someone else’s grass, grabbed our own hose and watered our own a little more? OR, better yet, stopped to see if it even needed watering. And while we’re at it, (because why stop now haha), what if something that works for someone else isn’t meant for us? Just as we have our own journey, others have theirs too. We can applaud someone else’s successes, life, happiness, whatever and still stay on our own path.

So let’s embrace our journey, and love it- every ounce of the good, bad, exciting, frustrating, enjoyable, difficult- ALL OF IT.

Our journey is OURS, and how unique and cool is that? No need to explain pieces of your journey to anyone, or gain approval from others- because it’s not theirs, it’s yours.

Cheers to wherever you are in your journey, and I pray that you are trying to love it. Time goes by too quickly, and before we know it, we’re looking back at a life that passed us by all too quickly, wondering where it all went.

So why not enjoy the blessing of life, compare ourselves a little less to the ones around us, and appreciate where we are, where we’re headed, and the people surrounding us on the way.

To calming our minds, and focusing on our own journey ❤️

xo Aurora