Community Giving · Friendship · Motivation · Self Realization · Uncategorized

Becoming the CFF Lehigh Valley Top Fundraiser of The Finest Under Forty


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this case is no different. What this billboard signifies for Cystic Fibrosis and how I feel personally about our 2013 success is indescribable. I’m pictured on this billboard because I was originally identified as one of the top fundraisers here in the Lehigh Valley among the Finest Under Forty Honorees for CFF. As of Oct 18, at our awards gala, I was named Top Fundraiser, raising $13,920!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE! My fellow honorees and the Northeast Chapter within the Valley raised a whopping $75,000 for the cure.

Simply inspirational.

The journey over the last few months has been educational, rewarding and a ton of fun! Over my three big events- Guest Bartending at Vision Bar (Sands Event Center), The Cystic Fibrosis Luau and lastly my Softball Tournament, over 200 different people supported these events, gained insight as to what this disease is, and contributed toward the cure to save lives.

To say I’m blown away by the support and participation everyone has offered the last few months is an understatement. My family and friends coming from New York multiple times; numerous donations to help with events from friends, family, local businesses; discounts on product or shirts simply to make our expenses a little less; encouraging words and motivation randomly sent to me on Facebook, Twitter, in letters, passing etc– ALL of this has made the journey fun, inspirational, moving and worthwhile. To know the support I’ve had the last few months has contributed to our tremendous success for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation feels amazing.

All of you are amazing. And I’m so thankful to have each and everyone one of you in my life. YOU helped create and drive the momentum that has made such a huge impact for those living with CF.

Before my award speech, I found out that my amazing friends and community partners at Target helped aid CFF in getting a 5,000 grant in my name… Yes, $5,000!!!!!! I was and STILL AM blown away by this!!! Support, support, support. This helped pave the way for the rest of my speech, and it was so apparent to me that the people in my corner are unlike no other, and truly have hearts for giving and paying it forward. In being surrounded by over 40 of my closest friends, family and co-workers I can truly tell you that this was one of the most amazing nights of my life. The love in the room was undeniable and I feel so completely blessed to have had the opportunity to be a Finest Under Forty Honoree for CFF.

You yourself have the power to move mountains if you make goals and set your limits beyond the skies. When you have an army of support beside you, there is no telling what you can do, but I can guarantee it’s bound to be amazing.

Thank you for creating the Sparkle with me the last few months, it’s been an incredible ride.

Love, Aurora Beani

{CFF Gala Pictures Below!}











Community Giving · Friendship · Motivation · Self Realization · Uncategorized

Random Acts of Kindness Day


“If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction.”- Martin Kornfeld

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day!!!!! That’s right, today is the one day where all of us need to get out there and do something special for someone! It doesn’t matter where you are!… At home, at work, in the super market, out to lunch or dinner, driving… ANYWHERE is the perfect spot to do something special for someone who doesn’t expect it!

At work? Here are by few ideas you can do right here from you office or workplace!::

::Buy a strangers coffee
::Buy your office their coffee
::Pay for the person behind you at lunch
::Text someone you appreciate and tell them, out of no where
::Smile at everyone you see {you’d be surprised how this can make someone’s day!!}
::Compliment someone today! {Don’t you appreciate that hen it’s unexpected?}
::Someone in the office been asking you for help/assistance with something? Help them today!
::Give a lottery ticket to a stranger
::Invite someone you know is alone over for dinner
::Put a quarter in an expired parking meter

At home? Or later tonight after work?:::

::Someone behind you have a small order at the super market? Pay for it
::Write a letter of appreciation to your mailman/paperboy/garbage men
::Grabbing dinner on your way home? Some fast food? Pay for the person behind you!
::Log onto your favorite organizations website and donate a random amount of money today
::Post on a friends FB or social network wall/page and brighten their day with something
::Make your kids their favorite meal tonight. No special reason, just because
::Send a snail mail to someone who might appreciate it! {I’m gonna do this one for my grandma!}
::Donate clothing you know you won’t need. The holidays are around the corner
::Send a letter to our military
::Open the phone book, pick a random name and send them some cheer {movie tickets, book, appreciation card etc}
::Know someone having a hard time? Put some $ in an envelope and anonymously give it to them

And most of all PAY IT FORWARD. When you do something good for someone, it makes them want to do good for others! This means in an anonymous act, let the person know it’s a Random Act of Kindness and they should pay it forward! We make a difference in people’s lives every single day, why not make sure it’s in a positive way?

Isn’t it amazing to see how one simple act of kindness can have a chain reaction? We all have the power to do it, so why not do it today? I’d be excited to hear some of the amazing things you guys do! Below are some random act of kindness I have done, in addition to some friends have shared me with me!!!

To the people whose lives you’ll add sparkle to today! βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’«

Xo- Aurora Beani





Goals · Motivation · Self Realization · Uncategorized

Becoming An Adult


It’s amazing to look back on to areas in my life that helped me grow into the person I am now. I’ve always been a huge believer in the fact that we will become what is put into us as a child and adolescent. What we learn, who we look up to, what we’re told is important and what we see with our own eyes, is what molds us into the adults we will become. I’m often complemented on my positive outlook and ability to see the goodness in bad situations. Having come from a childhood where I was taught to believe the best in people and to always let the good shine through when everything seemed bad, I can see where this comes so naturally for me today as an adult.

In the same respect, it would be easy to understand where people can be molded in an opposite way. When you grow up surrounded by turmoil and don’t have the best role models, how can you have strong expectations of what it is to be an adult? It’s not easy. It is with hopes that there is one person in your life who can help pull you from the rubble, or that you have it within you to rise about your previous circumstances.

I’ve had the opportunity to know people who are self motivated and moved beyond their current or past situations. Let me take it a step further as to what I’m defining situations or circumstances as: they’re the times in our lives when things unfold in a way that doesn’t seem right or is less than desirable. This could be a tough family life, financial issues, drug or alcohol abuse, neglect, etc. While we may struggle to figure out what’s right and wrong, there are always resources and people there to help guide those of us who need it. You just have to be open to {and want to} find it.

It’s not always {ever} easy, but those of us who can, have a better possibly of being a great role model for someone in the future.

Does that make sense? I hope so.

One thing many know and don’t know about me is the I’m a 3rd degree black belt and trained in one of the best martial arts academies ever created. From the age of 9 the life lessons and skills I learned through Hoover Karate Academy are some that have taken me father in my life than I could have ever bargained for. It was ingrained in me to have self discipline, self respect, self control, self confidence, self defense and self awareness. When you’re a child, you don’t know what some of these large words mean, so it was always easy to understand when my teachers broke down “the Selves” and explained them in a way we could all understand. To this day, the Selves are ever so evident in my adult life and I look at them every day on my refrigerator.

They serve as a reminder that we never stop growing, we’re always moving forward, you must always treat others how you want to be treated, you have to love yourself {so you can love others}, you must have power of your emotions {so they don’t have power over you}, and lastly, we must always give more than we have, to get back what we need in return.

SELF DISCIPLINE – Doing your obligations before doing what you want to do (desirables). Doing what you know in your heart to be right, regardless of popular decision or persuasion.

SELF RESPECT – Learning to like yourself for who you are so that, in turn, you can learn to like others for who they are. To treat yourself with respect is also to take care of yourself and your body. Also, always follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.

SELF CONTROL – Self-control means being in command of your emotions and your actions at all times. It means not letting your anger or fear cause you to do or say something that is harmful or hurtful. It also means being aware of your body and what it is doing.

SELF CONFIDENCE – BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Know that you can be successful. To be self-confident means being proud of yourself without putting down others.

SELF DEFENSE – Protecting yourself and your loved ones only when pain or threat of pain exists. In the martial arts, you do not throw the first strike. However, you need to be prepared in case someone else does.

SELF AWARENESS – At all times, you should know what is around you. You also need to know what is inside of you. By being self-aware, you will be better prepared to deal with everything in life. You will also be able to do the things you need to do to improve. The martial arts can help us become more self-aware in many ways.

It all starts when we’re children and what is put into us by the people responsible for us, and the ones we look up to. So when you’re a role model to someone, put everything you can into them, knowing you can be helping to mold a future. And when you’re quick to judge someone who acts in a way you don’t agree with, remember, we’re all fighting and have fought, our own battles.

Whose life can you make a difference and sparkle in?

-Aurora Beani