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One Year of Happiness- #100HappyDays x 4! 


Is it possible to be happy for 100 days in a row? I can confidently tell you, yes, because I’ve done it. Is it possible to be happy for 200 or 300 consecutive days? I can tell you yes to that too- because I’ve reached those mile markers as well. Somewhere during my 200s I decided that I wanted to complete ONE YEAR of happiness and that I was going to do it by not letting a day go by without finding something that made me happy and grateful for the life I have. I blogged about this experience as I began it because I wanted to see who would pledge along with me- a few of you did, and I know in comparing stories that someone of us finished, and most of us did not. IT’S NOT ALWAYS EASY to find something every single day that makes us happy, but that’s what the #100HappyDays campaign is all about!


 I am a currently on my 4th consecutive round of #100happydays as I have been tracking my own personal “#365HappyDays” to achieve a better, happier life! Can someone find happy moments every day for a year? They can! My thought is, people want to be happy I was one of them. This challenge helped me to see that there are small things every single day that contribute to our happiness- why not celebrate them? If we open our eyes to what is already there, the world can be a lot happier of a place, we just need to take a second each day and do it! Here are some of my favorite happy days this year:



The year was filled with my grandmothers 94 birthday, my grandparents celebrating 60 years of marriage, my cousin getting pregnant with the most beautiful baby boy Linkin, volunteer events, my engagement (!!!!), vacation with my closest friends and that amazing gift from my best friend. All moments that I want to treasure forever, and made average days happier.  During this challenge, on many days that could have been labeled as “bad days” I found that I was able to turn around the way I felt, by simply noticing the innocent way my pup was laying on my lap or a thoughtful letter a friend sent from far away just to say hello. These are the things that make happy days! Bad days have a habit of creeping up on us, and changing the possibility of a really great day to happen! Don’t be one of those people who let a bad moment make a bad day! It’s a decision, choose to be happy. To beginning year 2… ✨

Click Here to join the movement now!!

-Aurora Beani