
No Validation Needed

Checky, check, CHECK ☑️

Your success depends on what you think of yourself and the belief that your sky has no limit! ☁️💭

Let me ask you, how much more could you accomplish if the validation of others meant Z-E-R-O to you?!

Welcome to my brain, have a seat 🙃🤭

What others think about you is none of your business! Man, the amount of sadness I would have surpassed in life if I grasped this concept years ago! Anyone else? The sooner you can get to a place where you realize the only one who needs to accept you, is YOU, the sooner you’ll reach inner peace my friends ♥️

So cheers to us- enjoying life, moving mountains and making all the bold moves that make US happy and feel fulfilled. Let’s be confident in our decisions and actions, and work to seek internal validation only.

Xo Aurora

PS- shoutout DarylAnn Denner for the awesome quote inspo! ✨