Family · Living with Intention · Motherhood · Relationships · Uncategorized

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day everyone! 💜

It’s my 3rd year getting to be a part of this amazing club, and every year gets better and better. The greatest honor of my life is being Oakley’s mom. Holy moly does your world change when you become a mom. And even more so, your view of your mom or mother figures in your life changes as well. Moms are actual queens. They’re superheroes with invisible capes and the one person that will think about you every single day for the rest of their lives (don’t worry dads I know you’re probably doing that too). They’re your safe place and the one that makes everything better. Moms are just the best.

I’ve been thinking a lot the last few weeks how I would want to celebrate today. My husband says whatever I want to do is what I can do: spend a day with the family, do something with just our daughter, do something alone or with a friend, or just live a normal day where he does the heavy lifting so I can relax. I know, that’s a lot of options. I chose to have some family time with a combo of him doing majority of the “parent-y” stuff today. It was a nice slow morning, we went out for lunch, I got a few presents and then we’ll have a relaxing evening as a family. This is exactly what I wanted, and it means a lot to me that that was also important to my husband. Since my daughter just turned 3, her comprehension of Mother’s Day is still just screaming “HapPY MuveRs Day MaMA” several times throughout the day (lol) so the effort my husband puts in makes the day a little extra special.

Something my husband and I have been talking about a lot this week is “which moms should be celebrated on Mother’s Day.” Now, we didn’t pose this question (we celebrate all moms), but the internet did. We’ve seen a lot of Reels and TikTok’s talking about how Mother’s Day should be more for “moms in the trenches” or the ones who are “in the thick of it,” as opposed to seasoned moms, I think? It’s such an interesting topic because while we both think all moms deserve celebrating (esp. because we have great mother figures in our lives), it’s so millennial of our generation to bring up a topic like this- but I appreciate the conversation it’s created.

In my opinion, there’s a point here that I think some are trying to make, but the message of “we should only celebrate moms with younger-ish children” is what’s being shouted across the internet. I can only speak from my perspective and share what the conversations in my house have looked like, so I’d love to hear different thoughts and perspectives either in the comments or DM me on Instagram.

I think there is a part of newer-ish parents (like me and my husband), who are trying to establish our own family traditions, celebrate one another and in this specific instance, have a day to celebrate the immediate Mom in our family- me. AND we also want to celebrate our amazing moms, and the moms in our lives (like my sister and sister-in-law), but (I really didn’t want to use “but” here because I mean that last part fully), but we also don’t want to exhaust ourselves to please everyone around us on one day, while we get home with a cranky kid and my night is spent feeling run-down and trying to enjoy a few moments in a day meant for me, too. And we likely didn’t meet the expectations of everyone anyway, because there’s only so much time in a day (with a napping kid), where we can spend quality time. So even with trying to please everyone… you don’t.

And we really want to celebrate the amazing moms in our lives, because they’re awesome and incredible and deserve it!!! And we always will make time for that (shout out to the best moms everrrrr)! We also want to start and have our own traditions and quality time together as we build our own families and continue to expand our family trees.

I think there’s just a lot of people in the millennial generation that really want to just make their parents and family happy, and don’t know how to communicate what they want exactly and so it turns into- “well you shouldn’t really be celebrated anyway, you’re not in the trenches as a mom!” Does this make sense?

And it’s funny- being a mom, I can’t imagine not feeling in the trenches with my kid, but I also get what they are trying to say. “My wife is really going through it in these recent years and I want to make sure we make her feel extra special on Mother’s Day,” and then plans can either be joined if it works, or figured out for another time if not. If I thought my daughter didn’t want to celebrate me 40 years from now, it would probably crush my heart, but I don’t know if that’s exactly what the “trenches “people mean. I think it’s more of my generation not knowing how to communicate to the generation above us or to show and uphold healthy boundaries.

Allow me to repeat that:

I think it’s more of my generation not knowing how to communicate to the generation above us or to show and uphold healthy boundaries.

Am I off here? LoL… I hope this makes sense and resonates with someone and if not, that’s okay too.

If you are a mom, I wish you sincerely a beautiful Mother’s Day! You are the real MVP of your family, and never forget it!

To all of the amazing Moms in our lives,

Xo Aurora

Goals · Living with Intention · Uncategorized

Start Where You Are

Just start where you are ♥️

Part of the unexpected happiness I’ve experienced this last year was due to one thing — starting. I had a list of things I knew I wanted to start, and for many reasons, I didn’t/couldn’t/wouldn’t/was afraid to etc. But since May/June of 2023…⤵️

  • I started prioritizing my happiness
  • I started exercising
  • I started each day with a small prayer
  • I started trying to please myself (instead of people pleasing those around me)
  • I started being more vulnerable

And I think most importantly, I started putting myself first. (Which was the hardest, but also the one that paid off the most, but we’ll get into that later). And don’t get me wrong, I didn’t wake up and start all of this. Oh my gosh, I just laughed even realizing that there’s a chance you may have thought that. I knew I was in a place where I just wasn’t as happy as I could be. And I know I’m not alone when I say this, but this changed a lot after I became a mom. More specifically, a girl mom. You want the best for your kids the moment you meet them, and then as your bond continues to build with them and you realize *holy crap I have to help make a human now become a decent person* your whole perspective shifts.

I want my daughter to have the best version of me, as much as possible, as she grows and learns and understands the world and becomes her own little self. The excuses you once made for not working on things for yourself fade because now there is a little person relying on you to give this your best shot.

I know it may sound like a lot of pressure for someone, but in my experience, it’s an accelerant. You want to give the best to this little life, so you push yourself beyond what you thought you could, or did, for yourself, because you want them to have it all. And all, includes the best version of you— which I would argue is even the most important thing you can give to your child.

{Okay, so that got a little deep… 😄}

To be clear, you of a reason to want the best for yourself, and to make changes to find your true happiness. Kids don’t just make this a reality, I know for me it just kicked it into gear. So now what?…

You start. Seriously, just start.

Just pick one thing you want to do and start it. A small baby step in the direction you want to go in, is closer to your goal than you were yesterday. And then tomorrow, you’ll be 2 steps closer to it.

What is something you want to start? Share with me in the comments!

Here’s to starting 🏁🩶

Xo Aurora


Don’t Call It A Comeback

… I’ve been here for years 😀

As I shared last week, after a 12-year journey with this blog, (ahem ahem) The Weekly Sparkle, I am SO HAPPY to announce that I am back to writing and ready to share more positivity, authenticity, and personal growth with all of you! Taking a break was important for me to recharge and refocus (like for real), but now I am more excited than ever to continue spreading positivity and encouraging others to be the best versions of themselves.

Writing has always been my passion, and through The Weekly Sparkle, I have been able to connect with so many amazing people and share my thoughts and feelings in a meaningful way. I truly believe that by sharing our stories and embracing our true selves, we can inspire others to do the same and create a more positive and accepting world. It might sound a little cheesy, but it’s the truth in how I feel!

So, here’s to new beginnings and embracing the journey ahead. Thank you for being a part of The Weekly Sparkle community, and I can’t wait to share more with you all each week!!

XoXo Aurora

Blogging · Journaling · Lifestyle · Living with Intention · New Year · Self Realization

I’m backkkkkk

Oh hi there! Long time no see…

Can I start by saying I missed you? I did. I really, really did. I missed writing here, sharing thoughts and connecting with people all over the globe, who somehow made their way to my little space here on the internet. So for those of you who are still here, thanks for sticking around, and to anyone who is newer, hey girl heyyyyyyy! And welcome to The Weekly Sparkle.

I wish I could tell you there was one main reason why I haven’t been here in so long, but I think the answer is just, life. Life has been lifing (I know, I know, maybe “living” would be most appropriate here, but in 2024 we add “ing” to anything and the people get it, so here we are). I have a toddler these days, took on a huge interim job over the last year at work, and writing took the backseat. Being honest, a lot of things took the backseat, and it’s taken almost an entire year to feel like my head is above water. And it is above water. As a matter of fact, I feel like I’m sitting in the lounge chair next to the water, basking in the sun and feeling it’s warmth on my face. I will absolutely share more on how I got from being under water, to sitting pool side, and I think little weekly posts will help us get there. I told a friend recently that I feel the happiest I have been in a looonnngggg time, and I really feel that. So, if there is anything I can pass along to help you maybe get there too, that’s what it’s all about.

Do you see that girl above in the gorgeous artwork by Adrian Valencia? This is how I feel coming back here. I feel like I’m home, and happy, and ready to share and connect again. This girl is how I feel in my every day life, and I can’t wait to share how I got here.

Thanks for reading along- see you next week! XO



Manifesting in May

I’ve been on a manifesting kick y’all! I have to say… speaking things into reality isn’t something I always believed in/thought of/cared for, but the more I’ve done it, the more I think everyone should! I’ve gotten into the idea of manifesting this last year and things that have unraveled have been pretty amazing.

Soooo What is Manifesting?

Well the first thing you need to know is that Oprah does it and if she stands by it, sister you best believe I’ll give a go! #InOprahWeTrust

Ok Ok, I’ll get back to the point…

Manifesting is seeing what you want in your life becoming a reality and taking small steps to making it happen. It’s saying what you want, where you want to be, who you’re with, what your achieving… out loud/ making a vision board/ telling your best friend, your dog etc etc and giving a life to your dreams. Draw out the specifics, describe the location, envision the person, be as specific as you can!

This has been my mantra lately…

I literally say this every single day. Especially in moments where doubt or uncertainty settle in. And I noticed little subtle changes even in the way I respond to these situations. It gives them a positive spin and shifts my mindset. So let’s do this, shall we?

This month, let’s manifest, every. single. day. and speak what we want into existence 🙏✨🎐💓 & drop me a comment on how you’re doing!

To Manifesting in May xo Aurora


Do The Influencers Miss Me, Too?

It’s been almost 4 weeks since I gave up social media for Lent & I have to admit, I love it.

If you told me 4 weeks ago that I would be able to have gone this long without checking in on my social media apps, I would have thought you were crazy!! I went from Instagram, to Facebook, to Instagram and back to Facebook again day in and day out, just like so many of us. While I love really going for it for Lent, I thought for sure I would bite the dust on this one. It was going to be too hard.

As for right now… If I’m being even more honest, I’m sad to even think this time will be over in a little more than 2 weeks! I’ve told several friends that have checked in, that I feel like I’m getting away with something having all of this free time and not feeling the “pull” to be in the loop and knowing every single thing going on. My favorite part of these last few weeks though, has been that I haven’t really felt out of any loop. I’ve gotten more reach outs from friends sharing good news, life updates, pop culture shocks, then ever! The FOMO I thought I’d have disappeared in a snap when I realized I still felt connected to so many people, even without watching their day to day activities online.

So at this time, I 100% recommend doing a social media break. I’ve had more time to be present, less time going down the rabbit holes on TikTok or IG stories. I think I’ll be back after Lent to give a bigger break down {and to prove I survived lol}, so be sure to check back!

But in the meantime, if you’re contemplating a break- take it.

Xo Aurora

PS- I still really do miss my influencers on IG 🙃😄 I wondering if they miss me, too? 😝 Sparkle on Fam ✨✨✨✨✨

Appreciation · Blogging · Faith · Living with Intention · Self Realization · Uncategorized

Holy Lent… I gave up Social Media 🙈

Happy Lent everyone!!!!…..

Or is it?! 🥴😩🫣

You read the title correctly y’all, I gave up social media for Lent. I know I know, what on earth was I thinking? If I’m being honest… I was thinking A LOT about this decision. Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

As your average 30 something, I’m on social media a lot. My two guilty pleasures are Instagram and Facebook, with the occasional TikTok, Twitter, Snap Chat use. Before Lent began 1 week ago today (not that I’m counting the minutes or anything), I was probably on Instagram for multiple hoursssss a day. It was the first thing I put on when I woke up and the last thing I watched before bed. I had influencers I looked forward to watching GRWM (IYKYK) and knew what was going on with friends around the globe, even if I haven’t spoken to them in-person, or by phone and text, in years.

So why did I decide to give up social media for Lent? Growing up Catholic, each year you’d give up something you really like for 40 days in preparation of Easter. So through the years, like many Catholics, I’d give up thinks like chocolate, coffee, sweets, cursing, one year in my 20’s I gave up beer, (haha) you get the idea. And as I got older I really tried to pick a thing or two to go without to really embrace the Lenten season, and even at some point began adding things to better myself- morning walks, reading books, focusing on no gossip, praying more, uplifting others more intentionally, etc.

I won’t spend this moment sharing the depths of Lent, other than that it’s meant to commemorate the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert for 40 days- and if he can do that, I can spare the world some IG stories and a few tweets, right?

If I’m being honest, I needed a break for a long time from social media. I think I’ll talk about this more next week, but it has been on my mind for awhile, and as we approached Lent, I thought, here’s my chance to try something really challenging, and I’m more likely to succeed because I’m doing it for my boo, Jesus.

I definitely just said my boo, Jesus 😄

Anyways, I’m alive. If you have ever wondered if you could survive some time off social media, I’m here to share that survival at the week mark, is possible 🙌 As of now, I am l o v i n g it! Like, loving loving it. I have time to actually do things that make me happy (more on this later), and am getting better sleep and feel less anxious throughout the day! All of the stimulation social media gives us isn’t what our bodies were made for, and as of this week, that has never been more clear.

And look at me writing here, spending time with all of you during this social media hiatus. Writing on my blog has been one of the brightest spots for me the last 10 years, and taking a pause in giving my attention elsewhere has allowed me to do this. Just a small example of what taking a break has provided!

If you’ve ever considered taking a social media pause, come by next week and see if I’m still as optimistic, and in the meantime, pray for me, will ya?

Happy Lent! Xo Aurora

Community · Community Giving · Dreams · Giving Back · Living with Intention · Networking · Paying It Forward · Self Realization · Uncategorized · Women Empowerment

Be a Crown Fixer 👑

I. Love. This. Saying. I’ve said it for years, and when I heard it again recently, I knew it was time to talk about it a little more here, with all of you 👑

Last night I had the true honor of attending the Athena Awards, which are locally held by the Women’s Business Council here where I live in Pennsylvania. To tell you I left with my heart feeling so inspired and my cup completely full would be an understatement. All of the amazing women honored, their stories of strength and power, bravery and wisdom… each one, one after another, serving as a true testament to the strength we have as women, alone, and most importantly, together.

We talked about being a champion for other women, encouraging and echoing their ideas and strengths, and helping them in ways behind the scenes when they need it, without having to point out to others that you’ve done so. Being a sister to a another women in need, OR to simply lift her up, can have life changing impacts for her and for you. My eyes were open in a way I needed, and I’m so grateful to have been in the room.

I had the honor of writing on behalf of my friend and fellow community supporter, Meg, as she was crowned the Young Professional Athena, and I just couldn’t have been more proud. Because Meg won… I won… all her nominators won… every single female in the room won. That perspective reminder was exactly what my soul needed 🤎 We all win when one of us wins- every. single. time.

Another topic we discussed, which I plan to write more about soon, is imposter syndrome. Phewwwww hearing that a room full of women I admire have suffered and sometimes DO suffer from this self talk, reminded me I’m not alone and that we all doubt ourselves sometimes. The reminder was to think about all the negative things you’re saying to yourself, actually saying them aloud and specifically telling yourself why they’re not true. When you do this, you reframe your negative self talk, turning it into the real, positive reminders you need, especially in moments of full on imposter syndrome mode.

How do I have a seat here? I don’t belong in this room. Everyone here is so much more accomplished than me. What if they find out I’m not as great as they think I am?

Imposter Syndrome is a biotch, and she cannot sit with us. *snaps fingers*

Another take away for me from the Athena Awards, was doing things out of your comfort zone. This is another page from a book I haven’t taken off the shelf in awhile. But this morning when I woke up, and thought more about the evening, I grabbed the book from the shelf and began wiping some of the dust off it. This is something I’ve been struggling with a lot lately, and it felt right that it resonated with me during the fireside chat portion of the night.

If I’m being 100% honest with you, which I know I can be, we’re all friends here, ♥️ I almost left the event last night after the first 5 minutes. I know, I know, I know. I just got done telling you how incredible the night was, so thank God I stayed, but let me explain.

Somewhere around 5:05, my imposter syndrome kicked in…HARD. For a few moments, I felt like I didn’t belong there, or maybe even deserve to be there. In a room with these incredible, distinguished woman, all who had groups of people they were with, people they felt they belonged with, and for a moment, I felt out of my comfort zone. No colleagues, no BFF to cling to, it was just me and I felt out of my element. (This was also before the amazing imposture syndrome pep-talk Meg gave us all- go figure! haha). But in the midst of those feelings, I took a deep breathe, didn’t leave and decided to embrace this amazing night ahead. I started meeting new women and engaging in some really great conversations and guess what, the room where I didn’t belong, or didn’t know anyone… was filled with women I’ve looked up to for years, have called on as mentors and have done community work with for over a decade. * Waves goooooodbyyeeeeee to imposter syndrome*

Stepping out of our comfort zones as a WHOLE has an entirely new meaning coming out of Covid times, so I’m giving myself a little time and grace as I get back into the groove of things. If you’re struggling with this too, whether socially or professionally, you are not alone. So join me and give yourself some time and grace and say a big-ol sayonara 👋 to imposter syndrome! You are amazing, you are worthy and you belong right in the space you are in 👑💕

To straightening crowns, lifting each other up, telling imposter syndrome to take a hike and stepping one foot outside our comfort zones, we got this ladies.

From One Queen to Another, Cheers ✨

Xo Aurora