Goals · Living with Intention · Uncategorized

Start Where You Are

Just start where you are ♥️

Part of the unexpected happiness I’ve experienced this last year was due to one thing — starting. I had a list of things I knew I wanted to start, and for many reasons, I didn’t/couldn’t/wouldn’t/was afraid to etc. But since May/June of 2023…⤵️

  • I started prioritizing my happiness
  • I started exercising
  • I started each day with a small prayer
  • I started trying to please myself (instead of people pleasing those around me)
  • I started being more vulnerable

And I think most importantly, I started putting myself first. (Which was the hardest, but also the one that paid off the most, but we’ll get into that later). And don’t get me wrong, I didn’t wake up and start all of this. Oh my gosh, I just laughed even realizing that there’s a chance you may have thought that. I knew I was in a place where I just wasn’t as happy as I could be. And I know I’m not alone when I say this, but this changed a lot after I became a mom. More specifically, a girl mom. You want the best for your kids the moment you meet them, and then as your bond continues to build with them and you realize *holy crap I have to help make a human now become a decent person* your whole perspective shifts.

I want my daughter to have the best version of me, as much as possible, as she grows and learns and understands the world and becomes her own little self. The excuses you once made for not working on things for yourself fade because now there is a little person relying on you to give this your best shot.

I know it may sound like a lot of pressure for someone, but in my experience, it’s an accelerant. You want to give the best to this little life, so you push yourself beyond what you thought you could, or did, for yourself, because you want them to have it all. And all, includes the best version of you— which I would argue is even the most important thing you can give to your child.

{Okay, so that got a little deep… 😄}

To be clear, you of a reason to want the best for yourself, and to make changes to find your true happiness. Kids don’t just make this a reality, I know for me it just kicked it into gear. So now what?…

You start. Seriously, just start.

Just pick one thing you want to do and start it. A small baby step in the direction you want to go in, is closer to your goal than you were yesterday. And then tomorrow, you’ll be 2 steps closer to it.

What is something you want to start? Share with me in the comments!

Here’s to starting 🏁🩶

Xo Aurora


Don’t Call It A Comeback

… I’ve been here for years 😀

As I shared last week, after a 12-year journey with this blog, (ahem ahem) The Weekly Sparkle, I am SO HAPPY to announce that I am back to writing and ready to share more positivity, authenticity, and personal growth with all of you! Taking a break was important for me to recharge and refocus (like for real), but now I am more excited than ever to continue spreading positivity and encouraging others to be the best versions of themselves.

Writing has always been my passion, and through The Weekly Sparkle, I have been able to connect with so many amazing people and share my thoughts and feelings in a meaningful way. I truly believe that by sharing our stories and embracing our true selves, we can inspire others to do the same and create a more positive and accepting world. It might sound a little cheesy, but it’s the truth in how I feel!

So, here’s to new beginnings and embracing the journey ahead. Thank you for being a part of The Weekly Sparkle community, and I can’t wait to share more with you all each week!!

XoXo Aurora

Blogging · Journaling · Lifestyle · Living with Intention · New Year · Self Realization

I’m backkkkkk

Oh hi there! Long time no see…

Can I start by saying I missed you? I did. I really, really did. I missed writing here, sharing thoughts and connecting with people all over the globe, who somehow made their way to my little space here on the internet. So for those of you who are still here, thanks for sticking around, and to anyone who is newer, hey girl heyyyyyyy! And welcome to The Weekly Sparkle.

I wish I could tell you there was one main reason why I haven’t been here in so long, but I think the answer is just, life. Life has been lifing (I know, I know, maybe “living” would be most appropriate here, but in 2024 we add “ing” to anything and the people get it, so here we are). I have a toddler these days, took on a huge interim job over the last year at work, and writing took the backseat. Being honest, a lot of things took the backseat, and it’s taken almost an entire year to feel like my head is above water. And it is above water. As a matter of fact, I feel like I’m sitting in the lounge chair next to the water, basking in the sun and feeling it’s warmth on my face. I will absolutely share more on how I got from being under water, to sitting pool side, and I think little weekly posts will help us get there. I told a friend recently that I feel the happiest I have been in a looonnngggg time, and I really feel that. So, if there is anything I can pass along to help you maybe get there too, that’s what it’s all about.

Do you see that girl above in the gorgeous artwork by Adrian Valencia? This is how I feel coming back here. I feel like I’m home, and happy, and ready to share and connect again. This girl is how I feel in my every day life, and I can’t wait to share how I got here.

Thanks for reading along- see you next week! XO
