
20 Things To Do In 2020 That Will Transform You By 2021

This list is bound to change the game for you in 2021 if you start practicing now!

  1. Change your negative thoughts to positive ones.
  2. Drink water- start at a glass a day if needed
  3. Meditate
  4. Write out a list of people who are most important to you and be intentional about reaching out to them/making plans with them
  5. Get a physical- knowledge is power. Knowing what’s going on with your body can prevent so many issues
  6. Use your ears more than your mouth. When someone is speaking to you, try listening better- not preparing your response
  7. Journal- even if it’s a few lines a day. Getting things out of your mind and on paper is not only therapeutic, but if they’re action items, it helps to get them accomplished
  8. Cross something off your bucketlist
  9. Stop comparing yourself to others- especially on the internet. Remember, we are all posting the highlight reel. And if you’ve followed me for some time, you know I believe The Reel isn’t Real.
  10. Wake up early- even start with 10 extra minutes

11. Do a random act of kindness- it feels good and can spark change in others

12. Get some solid sleep- minimum of 7 hours each night

13. Social Media Detox- delete the people and accounts that make you bad/negative

14. Don’t gossip

15. More Self-Care

16. Volunteer or Give Back

17. Celebrate small wins

18. Work on communication with your loved ones

19. Read more books

20. Become more active- go for a walk, hop on the treadmill, even get up from your desk and take a walk. Getting active keeps your blood moving & getting really active can help with overall health

Happy New Year everyone!! I’ve already started working this list into my 2020 habits! What are you incorporating into your new year? I’d love to hear!!

To the best year yet!.. and prepping for the next!!

-Aurora ⚡️


2020 Vision- Happy YOU Year

Happy New Year!… Or as I’m feeling so far in 2020- Happy YOU Year!! I love a fresh page, and that’s what today is. The beginning of a New Year is literally day one of 365, which is a lot of opportunity to design and create the YOU you want to be.

I know a lot of people talk about resolutions beginning a new year, but I always try and focus on goals I have to better myself all the way around- mind, body and spirit. I’ve thought a lot about what I want 2020 to look like including what my hopes are and how I can obtain them.

In 2020, I’ll be focusing on self love and overall happiness.

My reason for this? Literally, every situation happening in your life (or that you want to happen) stems from how you’re feeling inside. When you feel overall happiness, your perspective of outside situations is typically more positive. When you’re feeling sad, anxious, worrisome, or anything bad on the inside, typically your perspective on the outside can be more negative. Everything on the inside comes through and effects all outside situations- both good and bad.

For example: let’s say I’m feeling anxious about something in my mind and possibly overthinking it because it makes me anxious- My husband could walk in the room and asked me a simple question, but because I’m feeling anxious/negative inside I respond to him in a negative way, even if it’s not justified or doesn’t make sense. Because I’m not feeling good on the inside, it creeps out and effects something completely unrelated. Have you ever lashed out at someone undeserving because you’re feeling your own shit?

Come on, let’s all raise our hands 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️.

Now in the opposite regard, have you ever had a feeling of overwhelming happiness or contentment and that nothing can bring you down? For me, after I crush a really great work out I feel invincible! The energy that I get from working out can have me start a project I’ve been meaning to start, smiling from ear to ear and even sometimes, you can ask my husband, even motivates me to clean the house! Because I feel great inside, positivity is spewing out of me in all directions!!

Can anyone relate to this? It’s crazy how much were feeling on the inside projects on the outside. So for 2020 I’m working on the happiness within so that happiness is what’s coming out. The self-love portion of my goals is also to give myself some grace when I fall short on overpowering the negative.

My 2020 Vision is laser focused on positive vibes/energy, positive relationships, self love, mental/physical/spiritual health… and that’s just the stuff on the inside I’m working on!

Other goals for 2020 is working with my husband to launch our non-profit (EEEEEKKKK), moving the needle with my baby TheWeeklySparkle.com 😍 and penning the outline of my book. AHEUEUFHEK!! I said it. It’s out in the universe now, so there’s no taking it back! A book has always been a dream of mine and something I’ve been jotting notes on for years. 2020 is the year I’m committing to start it.

The start of a New Year is truly magical. I’d love to know what everyone else’s goals are for 2020! Shoot me a comment or note & let me know!… and don’t forget!… Write your goals down!!! It’s the best way to let them sink in and help you be accountable to them! Nothing fancy, they can be in your “notes” app or in a journal! Happy writing! ☺️

Cheers to a year of happiness ahead ✨-Aurora